Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Greetings to all Willowbrook Homeowners.
Much to tell about what is in store for this new year. Updates and other information will be posted here as they come in.First off, a new group now holds seats as Officers and Board of Directors. They are as follows:OFFICERS...President: Daniel AndersonVice-Pres: Randy GeorgeTreasurer: Leslie LongSecretary: Naima Chestnut (in training by/with Pam Kosewick)BOARD OF DIRECTORS...Mary NeubauerBonnie PerrinCindy GeorgeKaren BussSheila GannMadeline NoudNote: Bonnie was unable to attend last nights' Annual Association Dinner/Meeting, so congratulations to her for receiving the most "votes".----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michael Noud has offered to serve as this years' "Flag Man". He will make sure teh flag is lowered for specific occasions, as well as general upkeep (replacement) if and when necessary.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The brand new and stronger lights will be installed on the entryway sign. We should see them up and working by weeks' end...however this is all depending on the weather and if the ice melts by then. Regardless, the new lights are going to be there very soon. We opted to replace the ones that were there for just over a week before they were vandalized. We have been assured the new ones will be a little more sturdy. We will also be installing some sort of guards around them to (eg. brick or iron cages) in order to discourage more vandalism.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The issue of having some sort of "Block Party" for Willowbrook (possibly in one of the cul-de-sac) was brought up again at this year's Annual Meeting. We think this is a great idea and I'm really looking forward to your feedback on this. This hasn't been done in quite some time and as we have many new homeowners now, this would be a great opportunity to meet them and also swap gossip. (just kidding...?)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The first meeting of the new Officers and Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, February 5. 7:oo PM till 8:30 or 9-ish. Location is 805 NW 18th Street. All homeowners are invited to attend, as we feel that all input is welcome. Please call me at 220-2202 and let me know that you'd like to attend. Or you can email me at EMAIL DANIEL HERE.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is much more to tell you all, and I'll add it here as soon as I get that information. Please come back to this site often for updates.If you would like to know each time something is added to this site (news, alerts, updates, etc.) just click on the "Subscribe" link on the left-hand column. You will be prompted to enter your email address and then whenever something is added here, you'll get an automatic email alert.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, that's it for now. Please stay tuned and stay informed by visiting our site regularly.Looking forward to serving you again this year,Daniel AndersonPresidentWillowbrook H.A.
Posted by Willowbrook at 1/17/2007

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